Wednesday 22 July 2015

Shake Flashlight: STEM summer 2015

This project doesn't use Arduino yet.  We can use Arduino later to collect quantitative data about the voltage that is produced by shaking the light using analogRead.  It takes some fancier programing and circuitry to make an Arduino measure amperage.

Today students created a device that generated electrical current.

Students here are creating the coil.

After students create the coil they sanded off some of the insulation from each end of the wires and added an LED.  Shaking a neodymium magnet in the PVC tube produced a current through the wire.

Here is a video of a final product.

This isn't a very efficient flashlight.  Students will be asked this year how are ways they can make this flashlight better.

During this class session students were also shown a brief demonstration of how Arduino and Processing program to read the voltage produced from the shaking motion.  I will post about the details that that later.

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